~ Nani Vohryzek ~
I have been a licensed psychotherapist (license inactive as of 8/1/2020) and have worked with individuals and couples since 1991. As of 2019, I am shifting to facilitating groups only, to support the potential for transformation in these larger fields of shared energy and wisdom.
My work is informed by extensive training in the disciplines of Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy). As a longtime student of the Diamond Approach, spiritual perspectives are integrated into my work. My interest is supporting people to awaken to and express their souls – the deepest part of self, that brings meaning and guides us in our journey through life.
I am currently training with Sarah Peyton in her “Empathy Brain” approach. Her work integrates new understandings of the brain and nervous system to increase qualities of safety and empathy, so that all parts of ourselves can reveal themselves with a depth of understanding that allows for inner freedom. I have also trained with Peter de Vries and Sarah Peyton in Systemic Constellation Work.

The Guest House
– Rumi